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Re: Response from Triumphs Only

Subject: Re: Response from Triumphs Only
From: "Kristi Richardson" <>
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 19:54:33 -0700 FILETIME=[448BA770:01C34045]
Oh Freddy,

I just love it when you get your dander up!

I was just as surprised as the rest of the fellas that you have been reading 
Hillary's book. I'm getting a copy this thursday, Maybe we should get a book 
club together along the lines of another favorite lady of yours, Oprah??? 
I'd just love to discuss it with you!!!


PS> I agree with you completely on your defense of T.A.W. and anhilitation 
of W. ;o)
>Next to "Hilary's new book Waynes reply to this list is the 2nd best 
>piece I have read in a long time, he starts right out saying it could be a
>fake T/R 5, then he says his integrity is important, then he says don't
>slander him with "B.S.", my gosh how much B/S does he want to write into 
>own message, I've seen quite a few folks get their "testicles" caught in 
>vise before, hurts real bad. Lastly I think the folks on this list are just
>about as sharp as any car hobbiest I have ever had the pleasure of knowing
>and they always seem to discuss their concerns amongst "all" the list
>members for a fair and honest opinion, now somebody wants to take you to
>task for that, seems a shame to try and knock T.A.W. on this list, probably
>amongst the 3 most knowledable "3" owners in the world along with Randall
>and Andy M.  Just my .000002  "FT"

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