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RE: TR5 on Ebay

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: RE: TR5 on Ebay
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 14:16:20 -0700 FILETIME=[D9F0FEE0:01C33F4C]
> If it's a genuine 5 (and there seems to be some doubt on that)
> I'd speculate
> how it got to California in the first place - especially if it was ever
> licenced for use in that State.

Which it likely wasn't, since the ad states it has a New York title.

Isn't New York one of those states where a car past a certain age doesn't
have a paper trail ?  ISTR they didn't track car titles until the early
70's, so all it takes is an ordinary bill of sale to get an official title
for a car older than that.  Great potential for fraud there (in fact there
used to be vendors that sold their expertise in using this loophole to gain
titles for cars lacking proper documentation).

> While I'm unaware of current
> emissions regs
> for Ca vis a vis age of car, if its fitted with all the genuine
> Lucas kit and
> is exactly as per factory spec - viz head, dizzy, cam etc I think it would
> fail the smog test continuously.

There are several mitigating factors, the first being that at present, only
1975 and newer models are subject to periodic smog inspection.  Plus, the
standards are relaxed for 'used' cars, the strict "CA-only" standards are
applied only to cars that were sold new here.

Speaking of the dizzy, isn't there something missing ?

> If it is a 'genuine' 5, I'd like it myself - cackhanded or not. What's the
> bidding - can't be bothered to look.

Up to only $3000 with less than 3 days to go.
Seems odd that the seller put a reserve on it and then disclosed what it
was, rather than just putting a minimum bid on it ...

> Only TR model apart from the
> sidescreeners that's worth having.
> Nomex on!

No flames from me ... although I wouldn't mind having a TR8 (even a fake


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