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TR4 restoration ideas

Subject: TR4 restoration ideas
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 09:20:35 -0700
Hi Listers,  I have  advised Frank to subscribe to the list, and 
offered to forward this  message, please  reply directly to Frank...I 
seem to recall a book or two on the subject.  My question to Frank 
was  "How much are you willing to spend?"

>From: <>
>Hey Bill,
>I'm a new member (signed up at the Dixon show) and won't be able to attend
>any functions till mid July.  I have a question that perhaps you can send to
>all for a response:
>What is the most logical and efficient way to restore my 74 TR6?
>It's a very clean car and runs fantastic, but it I want it to look like new
>one day.  So I was curious if there was a way to do it from start to finish
>that makes the process go the smoothest.
>Frank Garay
>'74 TR6

Bill  Pugh

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