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Re: Parts Stores== Slightly off topic===

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: Re: Parts Stores== Slightly off topic===
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 12:19:15 -0400
On 18 Jun 2003 at 11:26, Fred Thomas wrote:

> Is it only me or do others get
> agitated when the "golden" words "What Type Car" always seem to come out of
> the counter person.

I've never had quite that problem at AZ, but then, I've never asked 
for a universal anything.  They do always look it up by make, 
specifically Triumph, in the computer, and frequently find something 
I would've swore was a not-a-chance-in-a-lifetime item.  On the other 
hand, I had a guy hand my credit card back to me with a smirk saying 
that their system rejected it, and then later I called Capital One to 
find out why the rejection and learned that their records showed no 
request for approval at that time, indicating that the dweeb had 
swiped it incompletely through the card reader.  It seems to be hit 
or miss whether the sales droid is intelligent.

Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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