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RE: Modern equivalent to TR3A fan belt

To: "TR List" <>
Subject: RE: Modern equivalent to TR3A fan belt
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 18:12:12 -0700 FILETIME=[A5E91D50:01C33536]
> I'm unaware of the features of:
> Cummins 178539WRZ

It's likewise ribbed, and somewhat smaller in cross-section than the
original belt, which makes it easier to change on the side of the road.  The
NAPA 25-24379 is listed as a replacement for the Cummins, looks similar but
is just a bit more flexible.  They both ride a little lower in the pulleys,
which doesn't seem to hurt anything.  The ribbing is hard to notice once
they're on the car, and seem to allow them to last longer than I've ever had
a smooth belt last.

Thanks for the Optibelt info, Jay.


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