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Re: Re: No Gauge Illumination

Subject: Re: Re: No Gauge Illumination
From: Chris Kantarjiev <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:19:28 -0700 (PDT)
Yup, only two sets of wires go to the rheostat. The red one should have
full 12V (or whatever passes for that in your car :-) when the
parking lights are on (that's the "red" circuit). The red/white
goes the the gauges.

I can't vouch, though, for which contact is which, and I am
at my computer instead of my car, so I can't easily check 
right now :-)

The wipers and coil of these rheostats tend to corrode over time, 
yielding a great deal of voltage drop even when fully cranked
over. The bulb filaments also end up depositing themselves on
the inside of the bulb glass, making things even darker. It
is certainly worth replacing the bulbs and making sure that the 
contact between the bulb holder and gauge is clean, since that's
the ground path - particularly an issue, I've found, on the
speedo and tach lights.

If you have voltage at the red wire at the rheostat, and no voltage
on the r/w wire, you can safely jumper them together. The schematic
doesn't indicate a handy connector, but I'm sure you can find one.


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