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RE: TR4A question

To: <>
Subject: RE: TR4A question
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 20:04:56 -0800
Marty, I can only cover a few of those :

> Did they make many 4.1's?

No, it seems to have been a fairly rare option, plus they've all been
snapped up by the racers.  You can still buy 4.11 gear sets new, about $250.

> Did the 4.1 come with the overdrive only?

That's the way it's documented, but the factory would build almost anything
on special order.

> Non U.S. spec?

At least some 4.11s were delivered to the US.  As it happens, I have a TR3A
that was apparently originally delivered with 4.11 gears, but had been
converted to 3.70 by the time I got it.

> Will the 4A diffs bolt right up unto a TR6?

I believe the answer is yes, if you change the rear cover, but I'm not
certain.  My parts book shows that the main housing part number did not
change between TR4A and TR6, but the flanges may differ.

>  Are the ring and pinions
> interchangeable with the TR6 diffs?

Early TR6 yes.  I'm not certain about the later TR6 diffs, but I think it
can be done by converting to a fixed spacer and shims, instead of the later
collapsible spacer.

Note that on early TR6, you'll need to change the speedo head to match the
new gears (otherwise it will read some 10% high).  I believe on the J-type
OD, this was done by changing gears inside the OD instead.


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