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RE: TR8 help needed

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: TR8 help needed
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 13:41:11 -0500
Cc: "[unknown]" <>, "[unknown]" <> id h1OIlBY4001267
Message text written by
>4)  Removing the fuel tank. Do you have a ROM for this
     vehicle?  If not, I might suggest getting one. Off hand,
     I don't remember the operational sequence for removing  
     and re-installing a fuel tank for an injection car. Is yours 
     leaking or damaged in some way? Why do you want to  
     remove it?  I can probably scan of fax a copy of the ROM
     instructions to you.            

John, the removal process starts with "remove the exhaust system and rear
axle." or words to that effect.  I've done it a couple of times and it is
not a trivial thing.  The only reason to pull the tank is if it either is
full of rust and needs to be lined or if it has holes that need to be
patched up.  

You don't have to completely remove the axle but you have to take the upper
links loose and drop the axle well clear of the car to get the tank out. 
It is held in by two straps that bolt to studs on the bulkhead behind the
passenger compartment.  What usually happens is the studs (which thread
into weld nuts on the bulkhead) will turn before the retaining nuts turn on
the studs.  Then the whole assembly including the end of the strap will
rotate.  I have had success in just continuing to turn the nut which will
eventually break loose as the strap binds up. This little detail is not in
the manual.  Of course.  

Besure to take the fuel filler loose and the rubber buffer strips willll
adhere the tank to the bulkhead so you'll have to pry it out.

It's not too bad but figure on an afternoon just to get it out.  

Good luck.

Dave Massey
80 TR8 (carb'd)

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