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Re: sad week indeed now Blame America First

Subject: Re: sad week indeed now Blame America First
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 19:29:32 -0500
References: <> <001701c2ce34$920f6960$>
----- Original Message ----- Neville Chamberlain, Adolph Hitler, Peace in
our time, France and 12 million
souls of various descent, ethnicity, religion all dead. You can change the
names, not the history. It can and will happen again, with different names
if those in charge refuse to stop petty tyrants and dictators for fear of
the  deaths in a war. The greater deaths of his actions will far outweigh
the losses of a war. And the stakes are much higher now, with the
availability of easy travel, and biological agents which can be used
effectively easily. Hitler could have been stopped- if he had not been
ignored, and pandered to. We have learned that lesson once- why should we
learn it again the hard way. War is often a necessary evil. Unwanted, but
necessary to keep those who would destroy others at bay. Our societies,
despite being "enlightened" are still a barbaric culture only a few steps
beyond cave men. And we have the capability to destroy everything in an
instant. I have heard people say "Peace is the way" but the only way to
peace is through the moderated use of force. I am sick of those people who
use "Peace" as a reason to submit to a man who wishes domination of others.
I say again, Neville Chamberlain, Adolph Hitler, Peace in our time, France
and 12 million souls of various descent, ethnicity, religion all dead. You
can change the names, not the history.

My fair opinion and two cents. I am now done, just replying to a message
that infuriates me. Lets keep stuff here to cars.


From: "Ray" <>
To: "john willowby" <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: sad week indeed now Blame America First

> This is the same crap spammed to several other lists by this fool.  OK,
you had your say, here's mine:
>   Especially how our foreign policy, (or lack of one when it comes to the
>   pandemic now raging in Africa) affects others and their view of us.
>   *Let's see- the score is virus 1 or 2 billion we know of, humans zero.
NO virus has been cured, less an extremely mutable one like the HIV/AIDS.
Cuba cured their AIDS problem by quarantine.  I suggest that if you don't
want a venereal disease, keep your pecker in your pocket.
>   Unlike John, judging by his simplistic comments, I have spent time in
Africa.  The problems there are caused by stone age tribal organizations
exacerbated by European stupidity.....note that the US has never had a
colony in Africa, and the slave trade (a perennial favorite) was started and
continues to exist because of African captors.
>   President Bush's determination to avenge his daddy
>   *Oh please!  Try to keep up with events, won't you?  George Bush did
what the UN said to do, and stopped when they said "stop".  That was his
>   will cost billions of
>   dollars (not to mention the lives)
>   *Touch off a bio weapon in a densely populated area, let, say 150,000
die, then send this letter out to the survivors along with your address....
and figure THAT cost.  Then answer your doorbell.
>   that could be better spent on AIDS
>   treatment and prevention
>   *see comment #1-prevention of venereal disease is easy....unless you are
either stupid, or obsessive.  And speaking of, a vast majority of HIV
positives in this country are one of three categories:  homosexuals,
intravenous drug users, or those who have sex with the first two groups.  In
other countries with the other strain it is a heterosexual disease.  But
still a VD.
>    keep and on healing the wounds we have caused in the
>   Arab world (and other areas) rather than inflicting more
>   *Those Islamic fundamentalists hate the entire Western way of life. Not
just America.  Tell you what, re-read the Pillars of Islam, let us know what
you find.
>   and inflaming
>   anti-American sentiment in the rest of the Islamic world.
>   *They hate you now for what you are, not what you do, moron.
>   If you felt
>   vulnerable after 9/11, wait until after IRAQ II.   All the might of the
>   American military (your sons and daughters and mine) will have little
>   in protecting us from a people who see themselves as grieviously wronged
>   "America".
>   *Really?  It is very difficult for the dead to do much of anything.
Remember the leftie talking heads on the news
>   before Afghanistan?  Remember the lalalalala on the Arab street?
Remember the dead silence after the Taliban ran for the hills, and flamed
out?  Power is respected, weakness is not.
>   Go in Peace,
>   *You timid souls,
>   we don't need you.
>   Ray
>   Been there, done that, watched the lefties get carved up in the bush by
their own buddies.
>   PS- Learn how to spell "grievously".
>   PPS- Can we go back to cars or a related subject now?  Or do we have to
continue to listen to the World Worker's Party useful idiot?

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