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Re: Spin-On Oil Filter Adapters by Moss

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: Spin-On Oil Filter Adapters by Moss
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 07:21:09 -0700
References: <> wrote:

>     I think it's worth it... It won't keep you from crawling under your
>     TR for an oil change but it will make the job a bit less messy.

I find I can change the oil without getting under the car -- using a long 3/8
extension and an 8-point socket.  Of course you have to have an oil catcher that
is low enough to slide under there.  I usually drive the right front wheel onto 
piece of 2x8 to give the oil pan some tilt in the direction of the drain.

I think the leak some experienced was with the seal between the original filter
head and the spin-on adapter.  I made sure I got all the old seals out of the
original head (there were 2 in mine) and used plenty of Hylomar.  The kit I got
for the 4 was different from the one I got some years ago for the 3 -- though
both were from Moss and (I think) the same brand - Mocal, so perhaps there have
been some improvements.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A
64 TR4

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