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Re: List question. regular or digest

To: "John Gillis" <>, <>
Subject: Re: List question. regular or digest
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 21:01:44 -0600
References: <a05100301ba162ddb0618@[]>
From: "John Gillis" <>

> Please don't laugh at this one, but what is the difference between
> being on the list, as I am at the moment and the digest, majordomo
> just sent me a message asking if I would like to switch to the latter.

The digest only affects how you receive messages, not where you send them.

Regular list:
If I send an email to, you will see it relatively
quickly, and it will come all by itself.  You can easily reply directly to
me or to all of us.  You will get a lot of email messages like mine all day

Digest version:
If I send an email to, you will probably not see it
for a while.  You will get only one or two large email messages (each is
called a "digest") a day.  Each of them will contain a whole pile of posts.
Replying directly to me or to the whole bunch of us is more difficult and
you run the risk of sending out a copy of an entire digest, which annoys
folks who don't like large messages.

Which works better for you?  I think that the main reason to do a digest is
if you have a system which charges you so much per message, regardless of
its size.  Others have other reasons for liking the digest method, but I
like the short turn-around and ease of reply of the regular list.

Phil Ethier  West Side  Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
1970 Lotus Europa 65/2597, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Suburban, 1962 TR4 CT2846L

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