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To: <>
Subject: Clutching
From: John Summers <>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 17:03:47 -0400
User-agent: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 5.01 (1630)
Folks, about three weeks ago my clutch pedal sort of went to the floor.
Getting into gear was next to impossible.  This is the same condition I
encountered the first day I got the car in October '98.
Today (duh!) I thought to check the fluid level in the clutch master
cylinder and (duh!!) it was nearly empty.
I refilled it and pumped the clutch a few times and without driving it yet,
it seems ok..
The failure three weeks ago seemed to come on suddenly; I.E., within two
shifting cycles and five miles from home.  I have read the clutch MC/SC
section on the Buckeye Triumph web site thinking about and "looking forward"
to rebuilding both.
My question is:  If this happens again, soon, is it rebuild time?  The
remaining fluid in the cylinder was "dark" and it seems I remember from the
article that that is a sign that the rubber parts inside the cylinder are
I'll drive later and see how it holds up.
John Summers
'74 TR 6

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