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Re: Thanks for the great tips...

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: Thanks for the great tips...
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 20:08:13 -0700
References: <>
David Delano wrote:

> New problem had just reared it's ugly head - broken or
> slipped hood release cable.
> Any tips on this one?  Of course looking for the quick
> fix solution rather than the remove the dashboard
> option...

There is a rubber plug on the firewall just above the heater inlet... might be
for the speedo cable on a RHD car.  Looks to me like a long screwdriver thru
there would have a shot at flipping the release (you're trying to push the lever
toward the right hand wing).

I can send you photo of the area if it would help you visualize the problem.

Note -- I have not actually tried this... one of the first things I installed
when I got the '4 was the emergency cable.

Geo Hahn
64 TR4

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