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R&R Rear Tranny Seal?

Subject: R&R Rear Tranny Seal?
From: David Delano <>
Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 18:42:47 -0700 (PDT)
Some of you have been following the progress of my TR4
resurrection (slightly modified restoration effort). 
My goal is to get the car on the road safely and
securely for driving pleasure and enjoyment...

Good progress has been made and MANY parts have been
replaced/restored.  Got the interior back in and alas
took a drive yesterday in the nice spring air of

Monza is loud but tolerable, rear springs & shocks are
very weak (going to start by filling & checking rear
shocks for function), brakes work relatively well and
the car ran OK - started to misfire after a while and
I am not sure why.  Also had what sounded like
pre-ignition/pinging on a hard uphill climb - octane
problem?  I was running regular unleaded (87 Octane)
with re-lead additive.  Is Plus (90 Octane) or Super
(92 Octane)a better choice?

Anyway - after this drive I noticed a small puddle of
oil in the driveway and upon further inspection it
appears the rear transmission oil seal is leaking
enough to create a 6" diameter puddle in about 10
minutes.  Looks bad enough to warrant replacement.  I
believe I filled the gearbox to the correct level
(just under 1 qt of oil) so I don't think this is
being caused by overfill.

Any suggestions about how to replace this seal?  It's
a $3 part from Moss but the labor looks pretty
involved.  Remove tranny tunnel (no small feat in
itself), remove drive shaft (this can be fun), then
the driven flange (how hard is this?) and then from
there it looks like the seal can come out (how to do
this?)  Is there some kind of puller that can grab it
and yank it out?  Need some tips and
been-there-done-that advice...

Thanks in advance for the saved headaches and bruised

Dave D. - CT0675
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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