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RE: what head do I have?

To: <>
Subject: RE: what head do I have?
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 20:35:14 -0700
> I am on a continuing quest to figure out exactly what I have in
> my TR4. It
> seems to be a Heinz's 57 variety. What I have found out so far is
> that I have
> a TR4A engine, at least the block, a TR3B transmission,

Peter, did you figure out if the transmission is a 3-synchro or 4-synchro
version ?  The literature seems to conflict on which it should be with that

> Does anyone know what head this is?

I don't, but TeriAnn's web page at
may help.

> My next question is with the distributor. According to the book
> it should be
> either a DM2P4 or 25D4. I can't find either number on it. What I
> do find is
> on the top of the distributor by the vaccume advance is the
> number 250. On
> the side is 40795A with 663 under it.

40795A would be an early 25D4.  What you're reading as "250" is likely the
"25D", the 4 was never marked AFAIK.  BTW it seems to indicate a 4-cylinder
distributor, some 6-cyl Triumphs had a 25D6 (but not the TR6).

> Also according to Bentleys,
> there is
> supposed to be a Vernier Scale by the vaccume advance. It's not
> on mine. It
> does has the adjusting knob on it.

If the adjusting knob is near the full retard position, the marks may not be
visible.  As you turn it towards the full advance position, the part of the
vacuum module that moves out of the dizzy body should have some fine,
parallel marks on it.  This is the 'vernier scale' that the books talk about
(although there's nothing vernier about it).

> Can anybody shed some light on this?

Franken-TR ?


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