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RE: TR-3A: Clutch pedal extension needed

To: John Cowan <>,
Subject: RE: TR-3A: Clutch pedal extension needed
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 09:04:10 -0700
John :

Just a thought, you may have already done this ... remove the pedal stop
bolt (if fitted) and lengthen the clutch MC pushrod until the lever almost
touches the pedal box (or the clevis starts to come off the pushrod).  This
will bring the pedal up 2" or more.  If the hole in the end of the lever is
elongated, consider having it brazed in and redrilled.

Also, by keeping the clutch slave adjusted fairly tight, you can keep the
action near the top of the pedal travel.  The books disagree on the proper
slave clearance, but .010" will work as long as you check and adjust it at
every chassis lube interval.

If you have the adjustable steering wheel, trade it to someone for the fixed
wheel (along with the control head and stator tube).  The minimum adjustment
is closer to the driver than the fixed position.


>      I need to add an extension to the foot plate on the clutch
> pedal of my
> TR-3A; i.e., I need some way to move the foot plate about two
> inches closer
> to my foot.  (I have a lower back problem that is aggravated by extending
> my leg as far as is now required.)  I could move the seat
> forward, but the
> steering wheel is way too close even with the seat fully back.  (Did they
> design these things for people with five foot legs and 18 inch arms?)
>     I've wracked my brain for a simple non-invasive design for the
> extension, but have not come up with anything satisfactory.  Thought I'd
> ask if anyone has worked this problem, found a source for such or an idea
> for a simple design that I could build.

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