Subject: Silicone Brake Fluid
| OK, I have heard the pro's and con's and all the
| warnings about making sure you replace all seals
| before converting to silicone brake fluid...
| Thanks - Dave D. - Cincinnati, OH CT0675
Hi David,
I have no knowledge of brake fluid chemistry. However, TR6 brakes were one
of my Ohio winter projects. Part of this included some research on Silicone
fluid. I've documented the experience in the technical section of the
Buckeye Triumphs Website. These notes are still in draft form so if you
find any errors or incorrect data please let me know. The following link
will get you to the BT technical page. Just scroll down to the area brakes
and then click on the "Selecting Brake Fluid" link.
Go Bucks!
Nelson Riedel
Granville, Ohio
'68TR250, '76TR6, '70TR6 (project)
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