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RE: Interesting LBC tale

To: "'John Macartney'" <>, Triumph List <>
Subject: RE: Interesting LBC tale
From: "Paige, Dean" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 08:13:15 -0700
suppose the cars were only expected to have a five to eight year life
expectancy, so wy waste more money in better protection?
Something of a miracle that they've lasted as long as they have. I'm
fairly certain this was never the original plan!


Miracle is the right word. In a climate like that of the Chicago area where
I had my first TR's.
major rust problems began appearing in any car over two years old. The TR's
were no better or worse than most. The fastest deteriorator that I remember
was the 57 Ford. All kids of little spaces in the fenders where water and
salt solutions wouuld be thrown by the tires. Not unusual to see ice built
up in wheel wells to the point where the wheels and tires were completely
encased with milimeters to spare betwween ice and spinning tire. Most era
cars were junk within 4 years.


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