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RE: TR3 oil filter cartridges

Subject: RE: TR3 oil filter cartridges
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:21:31 -0700
Jim :

Just a WAG, but in 1952 I believe your Fergie would have had a 'bypass' type
filter with a wool felt element (as did the TR2 and early TR3).  Since the
oil supply to the rest of the engine did not flow through the element, it
could be much more restrictive than the later 'full flow' elements.  That
also meant that the element had to withstand full oil pressure across it,
while the full flow elements are subject to much less relative pressure.  I
suspect this explains both the difference in construction, and the different
Wix part numbers.  I believe S-T later rationalized the filters to the same
element as a cost-cutting measure, and Wix probably picked that up, which is
why they list the same element for all TR2-4.

The different NAPA number is likely because the NAPA filter is made to
NAPA's specification, which isn't necessarily the same as the Wix 51183
(even though they're for the same application).


> Hmm - the local NAPA dealer keeps TR3 filters in stock.
> Interesting, but if
> you go to and search on a TR3, you get a 51302.
> And if you search on the tractor, you get 51183.
> So since (unless there is a mistake) these filters are physically
> the same
> size:
> a) why the discrepancies? i.e. why multiple models of this old
> cartridge? and,
> b) what Wix filters are you people using?

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