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Forwarded: TR4 Engine Noise Interference

Subject: Forwarded: TR4 Engine Noise Interference
From: List Administration <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 16:59:47 -0600 (MDT)
For some reason this was sent to me rather than
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------- Start of forwarded message -------
     Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 15:07:14 -0400
     Subject: TR4 Engine Noise Interference

I've installed a audio amp, to boost the power from a portable CD
player to a set of car audio speakers.  Great sound with the engine
off, but once I started it I get a ticking noise through the speakers.
I've connected my power directly to the fuse box.  Actually, I had
initially connected it to the accessory side of the ignition switch.
With this setup, the interference was so bad that the sound would
break up.  Anyway, after the connection to the fuse box, I tried
installing a 10 amp noise filter(RadioShack).  No help there, so now I
need the advice of the list.  Should I change the power source
connection?  Do I need to change the plug wires?  In case it makes a
difference, I using Pertronix ignition.  Any help would be
appreciated.  I love the sound of the engine, but sometimes the ride
just needs tunes to complete.

Paul Brandsema
61 TR4
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