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Re: Careful while driving to mid-Ohio this summer!

To: "Triumphs Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: Careful while driving to mid-Ohio this summer!
From: "Jim Hill" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 17:34:10 -0500
References: <> <a05100304b8db80f149c6@[]> <> <a05100306b8db8e38688b@[]>
Pete Chadwell wrote:

> Sorry folks.  I didn't realize there was anything controversial about
> the concept that criminals might be the only ones carrying firearms
> in an environment where firearms are banned.  Kinda thought it was a
> no-brainer.  My mistake.

You're right, of course - there's absolutely nothing controversial about gun
control. That's why no one ever talks about it anymore, and there are never
any stories about it in the news, and Congress never considers legislation
on the subject, and  . . .

Jim Hill

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