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RE: Ebay sales and purchases - Paypal

Subject: RE: Ebay sales and purchases - Paypal
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 13:54:40 -0800
And I would like to remind everyone not to believe everything you read on
the Internet.

BTW, before you sign up with _any_ Internet bill pay service, you should
read their terms of service carefully.  Some of them say things like they
can charge your credit card for no reason at all and you have no recourse
with them.  PayPal is one of the few that say they will get your permission
in advance for every charge.

Randall - satisfied PayPal user

> Dear Triumph Friends,
> Many of us have bought and sold car parts an ebay and therefore
> recommend you
> look at before using them. Wiard

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