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RE: Positive Ground / Negative Ground revisited

To: "TR List" <>
Subject: RE: Positive Ground / Negative Ground revisited
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 18:51:26 -0800
> I own a 55 Ford T-Bird, it is 6 volts and positive ground, I sold
> a 55 Ford
> Fairlane conv. about 15 years ago it was 6 volts positive ground, now they
> may have changed later on in the model year, this I have no idea. "FT"

I believe the correct answer is that Ford took several years to make the
change.  Some models were still 6v +gnd in 56, while others were 12v -gnd
for 55.  I think some Ford trucks were still 6v as late as 57 or 58.


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