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Re: Apparently I'm a "freak"

Subject: Re: Apparently I'm a "freak"
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 21:58:04 GMT
References: <>
> At least, that's what I was told Saturday night when I took my TR3A for 
> a drive in the relatively balmy 35 degree weather.  Guess "normal" people
> don't do that sort of thing.  From now on I suppose winterizing the car
> will not mean blocking 1/3 of the radiator, opening the heater valve and
> grabbing a hat.  :-(   

Aric, welcome to the freak-fold.  

Last winter, with quite a decent amount of snow on the ground I might add,
the "modern car" got a flat tyre.  Well rather than trot around in the snow
on a spare, I figured I might as well have the flat tyre repaired.  I
strapped it to the luggage rack of the TR6... but this can only be
accomlished with the top down since 205/65R16 tyres protrude slightly into
the cockpit surround when on the luggage rack.  

I think I passed more a few people that called me a freak that day.  No
worries, I enjoyed it.  It wasn't terribly cold either, once your
etremities numb well you don't notice them.  

Now for my yearly winter parts request.  If anyone has an original AMCO TR6
Ski Rack, new or used or even cut in half, I would like to purchase it.  


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