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Re: Original Temp Gauge....NOT

Subject: Re: Original Temp Gauge....NOT
From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:56:06 FILETIME=[43F80BF0:01C17918]
>Of interest is Steve's car, CT50xx has the bright metal 'diamond' finish
>gauge dash, and mine, CT7086LO, has the black dash.
>Was that done to reduce glare as a safety item, or is the painted finish
>simply cheaper?
   I don't think that change occured with the steel dash TR4s.
   However, I'm sure someone on the list will probably be able to tell
   you which model came with the black fairing. Finding an "original"
   chrome plated diamond pattern fairing in perfect condition may be
   one of the rarest things you could look for on a TR4. I personally
   think they were made from unobtainium...

   I had to replace mine with an engine turned piece of aluminum I had
   made up... The previous owner must have given mine to his dog
   for "chew toy" who then left it on a gravel driveway before it was
   reinstalled on the car.

Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois       1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...


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