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Re: Someone has a virus

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Someone has a virus
From: "Jim Hill" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 20:50:07 -0600
References: <>
ZinkZ10C wrote:

> Just got this, the subject line is from the list, but it was sent directly
> me.  It _is not_ a MP3 music file, it is a .scr that has some windows
> function.
> (shawmon)
> To:
> File:  HUMOR.MP3.scr (29020 bytes)
> DL Time (57600 bps): < 1 minute

As did I. This appears to be one of those viruses that spread by sending
copies to everyone on the email address list of the infected computer. The
owner is probably unaware of it, but the odds are that he's sent you an
email at some time in the past (that's how your address got into his email

The sender's real return address is probably (the
virus adds an initial underscore to the email address).

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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