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Re: winterizing hints

To: " Triumph list" <>
Subject: Re: winterizing hints
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 01 08:55:18 -0800
>Living up here in the great white north of Maine and this being my first 
>winter as a TR6 owner, I thought I would inquire as to the proper procedures 
>for putting my baby to bed for the winter.  I have an unheated garage with 
>plenty of space.
>and just covered with a tarp???????

Moisture likes to condense on the understide of tarps that have limited 
air flow.  I think you are better off allowing free air flow around and 
inside the vehicle.  I don't live in a place where I need to store my TR 
for the winter but if I did I would put a fresh coat of wax over the 
vehicle, including the chrome, set it up on jack stands in the dryest 
place I could store it.  I would open the boot, spare tyre compartment, 
bonnet and windows part way to allow air flow.  I would sooner give it a 
good dusting later than deal with condensation caused rust.

Another alternative is one of those enviornmental bags & a lot of 

When my TR is waiting out long back to back storms I'll go out every 
couple of days, fire it up and let it high idle for an hour or so to 
evaporate any moisture then let it cool down with the bonnet & interior 

TeriAnn Wakeman               If you send me direct mail, please
Santa Cruz, California        start the subject line with TW -           I will be sure to read the message   

"How can life grant us the boon of living..unless we dare"
Amelia Earhart 1898-1937

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