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Are we gaining or losing Triumphs?

To: "Triumph (E-mail)" <> FILETIME=[74EDC0D0:01C16C4B]
Subject: Are we gaining or losing Triumphs?
From: "Freeman, Noah" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 08:59:47 -0500 lc>
Thread-index: AcFsS3QjiVTIe2aETJSIMoIjvGRGrA==
Thread-topic: Are we gaining or losing Triumphs?
I had a question I was wondering about that I wanted to throw out to the

There are tons of stories of Triumphs being rescued from barns- The one
in Hawaii, mine (in a barn for 5 years after the death of its earlier
owner), etc.  But at the same time, Triumphs are being put in barns,
left in the rain to rust, and crashed...

Obviously, since they are not being made, the number can only be
decreasing if you look at all triumphs in existence...but is the number
in regular use increasing or decreasing?

Are the barns beating us, or are we beating the barns?

Just wanted peoples thoughts...

Noah "fight the barns" Freeman

Noah Freeman
Brookside Capital + Bain Capital
111 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA, 02199, USA
voice 617.516.2922   fax 617.516.2910 or

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