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Re: New member TR3B

To: " Triumph list" <>
Subject: Re: New member TR3B
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 01 02:28:11 -0800
>>If you happen to know the history of your car, especially how it wound
>>up in Germany, I'd love to hear it.

>I'd hypothesise it was originally sold to a US serviceman based in
>Germany under the PE or NATO forces schemes - but never got finally
>exported to the States.

You forget that a very high percentage of surviving classic British and 
356 Porches were sold outside the US during the last 2/3rds of the 1980's.

Every paper in the US had standing adds to buy Certain European classics 
at top dollar.  Many people were making livings from buying US based 
classics, shipping them overseas and reselling them.

Over a period of a few years British Roadsters went from being a common 
everyday commute car to rarely seen classics.

During those years Germans and Japanese had lots of high value cash to 

A lot a 356's & British roadsters ended up in Germany.  The good thing is 
that many marginal condition roadsters went into enthusiast hands and 
were lovingly rebuilt.

SO I'm guessing the TR3B is one of the late 80's exports from the States.

TeriAnn Wakeman               If you send me direct mail, please
Santa Cruz, California        start the subject line with TW -           I will be sure to read the message   

"How can life grant us the boon of living..unless we dare"
Amelia Earhart 1898-1937

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