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two in one day!

To: triumph List <>
Subject: two in one day!
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 22:58:24 -0400
Organization: Southern Rail
Two quintessential LBC experiences in one day!

I drove the Spitfire this morning.  On the way in to work I dropped my wife 
off at the gym for a water-aerobics session, and while she's extracting a 
bag from the trunk this beautiful blond in a bathing suit (the class 
instructor) walks up and says "What a BEAUTIFUL car!!  Oh, it's gorgeous!"  
Of course it was the perfect flirting opportunity.  Of course too my wife of 
23 (umm, no, make that 24 now) years was part of the conversation!  I drove 
away smiling.

This evening was warm so she (not the water-aerobics instructor) and I 
climbed into the Spitfire for a cruise.  We went out into the countryside 
and listened to the radio as the Red Sox pull out a win.  While we waited at 
a stoplight on the way home a Harley-Davidson pulled up on our right driven 
by a guy wearing a mini-helmet and leather vest showing off tattooed arms.  
He looked over and asked Sharon "That's a Triumph, right?"  She said "Yeah." 
 He smiled and said "You know, many years ago I had the chance to buy a 
bugeye sprite for $250.  Man, I wish I'd bought it!  That sure looks like 
fun!"  "It is!" she said.  Then the light changed, they wished each other 
well, and we waved while riding off in different directions.

We arrived home with a bad case of moonburn.

Life is great in an LBC!

Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire (Percy)

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