Message text written by Randall Young
>But doesn't explain why V8's 'rumble'. As I recall, it's because the two
banks don't fire evenly, even though the engine as a whole does. IOW at
some point in the firing order, there are two cylinders in a row in the
bank. This means the cylinders cannot be properly paired in the exhaust,
the net effect is that the exhaust pulses arrive at the end of the tailpipe
unevenly. The effect is considerably magnified by having dual exhausts
without a crossover.
The firing order for a GM derived engine (ie. Rover V8) is 18436572. The
cylinders are numbered even on one side and odd on the other. This means
that cylinders 5 and 7 are next to each other. Also note that they are
also next to each other in the firing order. Also note that 8 and 4 are on
the same bank (although not next to each other). Ford numbers their
cylinders differently but probably have the same arrangement.
I am told that the Lotus V8 is about the only engine that deviates from
this standard. (other than racing engines)
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