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RE: "A" O/D

To: "Fred Thomas" <>, <>
Subject: RE: "A" O/D
From: "Brian Sanborn" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 08:08:09 -0400
Cc: <>, <>
>>>>>Listers, a little help on my O/D ("A" type), when I drive
for 10/15 minutes
in O/D and then switch out of O/D it will not reengage, leave it
in the off
position for 10/15 minuets and she operates O/K


I'm not sure I have enough experience in ODs yet...  but assuming
that there is not some terrible internal problem that is
affecting movement of the clutch...  it can only be something
that is not getting the high pressure oil to the pistons.  The
first most obvious is oil level... I assumed you've checked it.

The next choice is the adjustment of the operating valve.  I had
to adjust mine beyond the hole provided for adjustment...  or I
got a 5-6 sec delay in operation with a very slow transition.
Adjusted past the hole I get instant engagement. I never drove
very long in this condition... so I can't say whether there was
any effect from heat.

How does yours engage when cold... perhaps your on the edge and
when the case warms up it is out of adjustment.   This could be
combining with marginal oil pressure.   Have you ever tested the
pressure...  450 lbs is spec.  I read that it will run at 300 lbs
but may cause problems.

Just some thoughts....  but the fact that it returns to normal is
a good sign and means that the internal mechanicals are OK.

Brian Sanborn
'62 TR4  CT16260L-O - Groton, MA

My TR4 Restoration Web Site

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