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Re: Left Lane Bandits (less rant, more funny)

To: "Scott A. Roberts" <>, "Steven Newell" <>, "Joe Curry" <>, "Triumph" <>
Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits (less rant, more funny)
From: "Rave Racer" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 02:59:12 -0400
References: <> <> <> <> <005501c0efa4$c2f84760$>
        I tried to keep as far away from this string as possible, but it
just was to popular and I finally am giving in.
        My first thought is the colored speed tags for good/mediocre/bad
drivers and cars (like the ones they have in Europe) would be cool.  I think
governments should look into that.  What else do they do with their time
other then waste ours?

        My second thought is to explain a personal stereo type.  I am a
night person.  Most of my replies to all lists are after 12am up to 6 am.  I
am used to the roads at these times.  If I have to be up early for something
(usually traffic court) I get frustrated with what I call "Day People".
These would be the inconsiderate, ignorant, egotistical road hog bastards
that talk on their cell phones at 100Kph in heavy traffic, or drive like
they are on their cell phones.  Understand that it is a stereotype and is a
blanket category that cover more people then it applies to.  You may be a
daytime person but also the most considerate driver on the road.  That said,
Day time people piss me the he** off!    (Also known as the Suicidal Cartoon

        I live near Toronto and, finally, a new law was passed that forbid
left lane cruising.  For two weeks after, nobody went in the left lane at
all.  Not even me.  I didn't go in the left lane because you could see for
miles, and if I could see for miles, the radar could see me for 10 times

        I personally don't have anything against left lane cruisers UNLESS
they cut me off to go slow,  insist on going the same speed as the right
lane traffic right next to someone so no one else can pass, and I also feel
that left lane cruising at 4am when there is no traffic is just plain
ignorant.  I have flashed, then tailgated, then honked at some of the most
ignorant of left cruisers.  Usually it doesn't go that far.  If I can pass
on the right I will, sometimes they try to cut me off on my way around.
Though, these are the type that feel it is their moral duty to tailgate you
so that you know what it feels like, or shout obcenities at thier windows to
you.  When I drove my Jetta (Frankenstein) I had no fear and had some
ignorant individuals swerve at me while I passed them.  I made sure to laugh
in their faces.  When you drive a BMW and I drive a SH**box,   PLEASE HIT
ME!  I might get something for it!

        On the other hand, in heavy traffic when there is little room to
move, don't expect me to get over.  If I'm stuck you will be to, so there is
no point.

>  I also would like to see speed rated licenses and tags, with lanes to go
> with them...Something along the lines of, you qualified for "Unlimited
> speed", you get special red tags, license to go as fast as you like, in
> left lane. You qualify for "60 to 85 max" with yellow tags, and center.
> right lane privledges. "Standard/Student Driver status" stay in the right
> lane, orange triangular tags, no operating on busy highways, and
> Driver", where you live in a closed community, and your car is not
> out of the main gate. (These are the guys who insist on doing 35 mph in
> given speed zone, except 25mph where they do 15. These people do exist!)
> Testing would be every third or fourth year till a certain age, then every
> other year thereafter. And red and yellow tag cars would be required to
> allow themselves to be stopped for license checks if the officer is in
> of the drivers rating(runs the tag, finds the driver should be a 45 yr old
> male, car driven by a 17 yr old.. penalty is disqualification for 1 year)
> course, a few bugs need to be worked out of the system, but the basic
> concept is interesting. Hey- I only think up these things. Someone else
> figure how to make them work satisfactorily!

> Sorry I started this thread, for those who are sick of it, I apologize. I
> misstated my thoughts the first time, and I think that had a bit to do
> it. No flames on this one, pls... Besides, where are the flying cars we
> promised in the 50's by all the leading scientists? We're supposed to have
> flying cars, and we wouldn't have to worry about this. I blame the
> scientists, and demand flying cars.

        Sure thing "Homer".  Right after the average human being is capable
of driving a vehicle restricted to land with reliable results.  I think it
would be foolish to expect the average person to have the intelligence to be
a pilot.  The reason flying is so much safer is that it takes a year or more
of dedicated training to obtain a private licence.  I understand your
sarcasm, but everytime I see one of those future shows on TV I shudder to
think that they actually intend to put "Daytime people" miles high with
combustible gases in a projectile.

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