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RE: Hayward ABFM (not a Cobra)

To: "'triumphs'" <>
Subject: RE: Hayward ABFM (not a Cobra)
From: Jane Burdekin <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 11:43:30 -0600
I for one, am glad I trained my children at a young age.  I had them
changing the oil and doing minor repairs early.  Last night I helped my 17
yr old son change out the radiator in his jeep... he actually came and asked
for my help...

Proud mom I am...
'67 GT6

Train them well and they shall be true believers.
I already have a tool kit for my 4 year old daughter.  As dad spends so much
time with his car and tools....mmmm.....I wonder why, she can now also beat
the bjebers out of the fenders I carefully resculpted.
teach the young

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