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Bizarre Boston Triumph Moment

To: "''" <>
Subject: Bizarre Boston Triumph Moment
From: "Freeman, Noah" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 08:35:32 -0400
Last night I was waiting for my girlfriend at a Anthony's Pier 4 (nice
seafood restaurant in Boston), and when she arrived, she said "I parked
right next to your triumph (red TR-4), but then when I was walking to the
restaurant, I saw what was really your car 20 yards further on".  I hustled
out there, and lo and behold, 3 spaces behind my red TR-4 was a red
TR-6...this, in Boston, where I have only once ever seen another Triumph not
at a show/on purpose...

Thought it was an odd moment- two of the four? (I know of at least 4) red
Boston Triumphs parked at the same restaurant.  Was it any of us?

On a seperate note- what is it about 10 year old girls and TR-4s?  While
none of the women I want to notice the car do (or at least they try not to
give the impression of doing so) my TR-4 gets huge attention from the 5th
grade route to work passes a school at about 8am when everyone is
arriving, and I get a chorus of "Hey mister, nice car" (often in unison) as
I drive by...anyone else noticed this?


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