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Re: Heralds in Viet Nam?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Heralds in Viet Nam?
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 09:43:15 EDT
In a message dated Wed, 6 Jun 2001  9:12:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time, "Scott A. 
Roberts" <> writes:

<< Just something interesting I noticed on the History Channel last night... I 
was flipping through and they had a documentary on the Viet Nam War, 
specifically the assault on the American Embassy in Saigon, I think(I didn't 
catch exactly) during the 1968 Tet Offensive, and in one wide shot of the 
building, I saw a familiar little white convertible go zipping by- I am almost
certain it was a Herald! It certainly looked to be one, but the picture was 
just a hair fuzzy, and they only showed it once. >>

Scott, it most certainly is possible. I have not been there to see for myself 
(and I don't have cable or satellite TV, so I can't even get to the History 
Channel). The Spare Parts Catalogue, in its pages and pages of lighting system 
spec's (headlamps in particular) for various countries, lists Vietnam as one of 
many markets for which special lighting was specified. (Might have been similar 
to France; I don't have the SPC here at work, so I'm not sure.)

Andrew Mace, President and Herald Consultant
The Vintage Triumph Register

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