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New British Car Club

To: "Triumphs" <>, "MG" <>
Subject: New British Car Club
From: "Ken Waringa" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 07:21:14 -0600
Thanks for all the outstanding replies to my request for info on starting a
local club.  Two of us met the other night to start planning the club.  We
have a list of about 40 names of local people with British cars.  We have
started contacting them and it looks very favorable.  WE are planning our
first meeting early April, and our first run the 21st of April over to
Pensacola for their Spring Beach Bash and British Car Show.  Should be fun.

After our first meeting we should know better where we stand.

Thanks again for all the great inputs.

Ken Waringa

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