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Re: FW: New British Car Club

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: FW: New British Car Club
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:15:37 EST
In a message dated Tue, 27 Mar 2001 11:48:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Ken 
Waringa" <> writes:

<< It looks like we are going to start a new British Car Club here in Panama 
City, Florida.  I think we have enough British Cars in the area to get a local 
club going.  I would appreciate any guidance in getting this club going 
successfully.  Any been there done that, lessons learned, etc., would be 
appreciated.  We are still in the very early planning stages yet, so any
advise is appreciated.  I don't think we have enough people locally to support 
any single marquee club, so we are going with a combined club.  Also what do 
other clubs do about insurance?  Is it required, desired?  If so where do you 
get it and about what cost? >>

Ken, I don't have a lot of advice on startup otherwise, but I will offer this 
more general advice based on your last question. Liability insurance, along 
with incorporation of the club, should be required as far as I'm concerned. 
Most such policies will not only help cover/protect moving events but all club 
functions and, in some cases, individuals and/or at least officers traveling to 
and from official club functions. Meanwhile, many venues for even nonmoving 
events such as car shows will require some sort of certificate of insurance.

One way to obtain such coverage is to affiliate your new group with a larger 
regional or national organization, such as...ahem...The Vintage Triumph 
Register. ;-) "Independent" policies might be available but sometimes can get 

Andrew Mace, President, The Vintage Triumph Register

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