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Re: GT6 Flywheel's

To: Stephen Harris <>, "''" <>
Subject: Re: GT6 Flywheel's
From: Dan Buettner <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 14:32:23 -0600
References: <F13BE90FC8CED111BA3A0060082BF51911F430@smhserver.smhelectro nics>
At 15:06 -0500 3/28/01, Stephen Harris wrote:
>     Is there a difference between the early GT6 flywheel's and a 1973 GT6
>Flywheel. By Early I mean Post 1968. I know there is a difference in TR6
>Flywheels, It seems to have to do with the Depth of the wheel to the
>crankshaft as well as weight. The 73 GT6 engine is supposed to have recessed
>block face etc, just like the later TR6 engines. Any Thoughts??? I am trying
>to figure out if the 68/69 GT6 engine in my 1973 GT6, may have a 1973
>"shorter" flywheel on it. This may be why the previous owner installed a 3/8
>drill bit in the slave cylinder that is approx 1 inch longer than the stock
>slave cylinder rod.

Steve --

I had something similar to that going on my 1500 for a while; lots of 
clutch problems.  I eventually found that the slave cylinder itself 
appeared to be incorrect for the car.  It was of the appropriate 
design and all, but about 3/4" or 1" longer than other Spitfire slave 
cylinders.  Also, it was made of iron, whereas the others I've seen 
have been aluminum.  I replaced the cylinder in question with an 
aluminum one, and haven't had any problems since.  Well, with the 
clutch anyway.

Thought I'd share, having BTDT.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dan Buettner  -  Des Moines, Iowa  -

1957 TR3, TS15098L, now with an O!  Undergoing frame-off restoration
begun 9/99.  Currently awaiting warm weather and funds.

1977 Spitfire, FM64159U, with an O.  In need of a comprehensive
restoration (again); will probably become a Spit6 or a Spit8.

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