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Re: TR6 fuel problem

Subject: Re: TR6 fuel problem
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 12:13:29 EST
To the best of my knowledge from the symtoms described it looks like you have 
a fuel starvation problem. Have you the Lucas pump fitted still?  First check 
the fuel line pressure---this should read between 100 and 110 psi not only on 
idle but wherever you have the throttle, this should be constant! Secondly 
check the state of your fuel tank , it is common to have rust especially on 
the tank floor and this can be quickly checked by shining a torch light down 
thro' the fuel cap and visually inspect your tank---if you can see rust 
particles this is not good.
Thirdly check the fuel filter for dirt of any kind, could be a blockage of 
some kind in there, best to replace this anyway as a matter of course. Next 
check the fuel pump strainer filters, disconnect the fed pipe to the pump  
and remove filter in view and inspect---do the same with the exit pipe to 
make sure.
Lastly make sure the strainers are clean in your injectors.
As I have said I'm confident that your problem stems from a constriction in 
your supply somewhere, go out and find it and good luck!
Let me know what you find--- a problem shared is a problem halved.
Alan Graham
 Scotland  U.K.        CP25616  0           1969 TR6PI

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