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Re: Repair questions/costs

Subject: Re: Repair questions/costs
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:50:34 EST
In a message dated 3/27/01 5:30:58 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:
>     Noah, depending on the price, it may be a good buy
>     (if you want an education).
>     If you don't do the work yourself it will be
>     expensive... If you do the work youself it will be
>     less expensive, but you'll get an education... which
>     is priceless:)
>      I would enlist the help  of someone in a Triumph
>      club near you to actually look at this car. His
>      experience will mean a lot when you come to make
>      your decision.
I can agree with that, but my perspective on this is to look at the whole 
thing in perspective. My impression was that you were planning to use the car 
as daily transportation. Although I'm sure that can be done, the likelihood 
of your being without transportation, especially if you can't do repairs 
yourself, is high. 

Although I think the 14K car sounds nice, there is no guarantee that it will 
be immune to breakdowns. No more so than a nice, well-maintained 7 - 8K car 
would be. 

Given that, if I had 14K to spend, I would find a nice driver for 7 - 8K and 
take the balance of the 14K and buy a dependable pickup. This would give you 
many advantages, in my opinion.

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