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Re: Fw: Help needed Mating OD

Subject: Re: Fw: Help needed Mating OD
From: "Mike Kitchener" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 11:32:50 +0200
Ronnie ,
There are two sets of splines which must be aligned before you 
attempt to mate the gearbox .This can be done by levering out the 
two bridge pieces to engage overdrive , then turn the output shaft 
until the two sets of splines are aligned .The gearbox should then 
mate , being careful not to damage the cam and pump follower .
If you have already applied a good bit of force you might like to 
check to see if the gearbox/overdrive adapter is not bent , as this 
can give an oil leak much greater than stock !
Hope this helps
> I'm in the process of mating the OD to the transmission .
> can some one describe to me  how much  resistance I should expect when mating
> these components, as the spring compress I hear some popping. (It sounds like
> springs) I'm not sure i'f that would be expected. I'm having to apply a good
> bit of force as I tighten the nuts on the long studs.  I have NOT tightened it
> to the point of contact with the cam and pump. I'm just before it

Mike Kitchener
60 TR3A TS 75178

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