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Re: Visiting England -- Any Suggestions for Triumph-related History?

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Visiting England -- Any Suggestions for Triumph-related History?
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 12:54:33 EST
In a message dated Fri, 23 Mar 2001 11:25:15 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Scott 
Brier" <> writes:

<< Hello -- I'm a 20-year Triumph enthusiast who'll be visiting England this 
summer for the first time. Is there a "mecca" that shouldn't be missed? Any 
info. or additional contacts you could provide would be much appreciated. Scott 
Brier, Newtown, CT  >>

Scott, several thoughts come to mind:

Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon
The National Motor Museum, etc. at Beaulieu
Triumph Sports Six Club Headquarters, Lubenham Leics.
Museum of British Road Transport, Coventry
Standard Triumph Monument, Canley, Coventry; info at

I'm copying a Triumphs e-mail list as well as the VTR members e-mail list. More 
than likely others will be able to add to the above suggestions!

Andrew Mace, President, The Vintage Triumph Register

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