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Re: parts cleaner

Subject: Re: parts cleaner
From: Bill Pugh <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 13:39:44 -0800
References: <a05001900b6dea99a1f73@[]> <011701c0b23f$aee4fc20$fc6eaccf@vafred> <>
>Don't they sell shiny 'chrome' SU dome covers in Moss and others? There
>were some on my TR4 when I bought it, now brightening up a shelf.
>Fred Thomas wrote:
>>  Bill, why not just buff the dome, I think the tumbler could do some damage
>  > inside where it mates with the piston, then you have a shiney dome that is

Steven, "chrome" IMHO is "tacky" <G>.
Fred, probably a better idea, polished is better, and how did you 
know I have a shiny dome??? <G>

Bill Pugh
1957 TR-3
aka Casper

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