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Re: Insurance Question

Subject: Re: Insurance Question
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 08:23:08 -0500 |December 14, 2000) at 03/21/2001 08:23:11 AM, Serialize complete at 03/21/2001 08:23:11 AM
Here is another way to look at the insurance issue...

Most States require proof of insurance in order to register the vehicle -- 
so in order to satisfy this requirement, a "classic car" policy provides 
compliance with DMV requirements for registration, as well as liability 
coverage in case of an accident -- for the premiums of $100 - $200. This 
gets you car on the road legally and affordably.

Of course, the alternative is to use one's primary auto insurance company, 
but you may find the premiums to be ten times what classic car insurance 
would be. 

Let's face it, most of us "baby" our cars, probably spending as much time 
and money on our cars as we do on our families! So, the odds are with the 
insurance company, assuming that most of us do anything to avoid a loss.
Corey Sherman

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