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TR3 Dash switches needed !!!!!

To: "TRlist" <>
Subject: TR3 Dash switches needed !!!!!
From: "Pat" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 10:51:33 -0800
I'm putting out a deserate call for help please. I am having problems
finding some small parts for my TR3A dash. I primarily need ALL the dash
associated Bezels, condition is not important as I can get them refinished.

I have the kit from TRF of the black knobs.... so I don't need those

I need:

BEZELS I need are:
Ignition Key
Push Starter
Choke Pull
Head/Tail lights
Dash lights (on/off)
(Not the Signal and Ignition lights, I have those at least !)

Switches I still need are:
Wiper Motor
Choke Pull
Dash lights On/Off

Thanks for you help fellow TR'ers !

Victoria BC

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