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RE: Looking for US vendors - high quality ceramic header coating

To: "triumphs" <>
Subject: RE: Looking for US vendors - high quality ceramic header coating
From: "Bill Miller" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 20:04:21 -0500
Aribert and List:

I have been talking to Keco Coatings here in Indianapolis.  Their finish is
a silver finish, but not a "chrome" looking coating like jethot.  They do
not polish it.  However, they said with a little mothers and fine steel
wool, it can polished to "chrome"  They would also lightly bead blast it for
you after coating to give it a matte finish, if you wish.  Condition (light
rust, paint, etc) didn't matter to them as they prepare the surface for the
coating.  Pricing was good.  They said $175 was a minimum, but they could
probably do "two, maybe three little 4 cylinder headers" (their words) for
the minimum.  It is lifetime guaranteed.  I was thinking about doing the
header on my spitfire and on my sprite.  I can get more info if you wish.
I'm not opposed to put together a big order together if enough of you guys
want me to.


-----Original Message-----
I am ready to have the header on my Spit bodied GT6 coated.  I am
looking for suggestions on potential vendors.  I am somewhat familiar
with HPC and Jet-Hot. Is one of these preferred over the other? HPC's
quote was $185, Jet-Hot's quote was $175.

Are there other vendors out there at a slightly better price that
deliver an equal product?

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