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RE: Preceptions

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Preceptions
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:21:19 EST
In a message dated Fri, 26 Jan 2001 12:29:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, Peter 
Zaborski <> writes:

<< BTW -- Check out the "testimonials" at the bottom of the ebay ad -- !!! ;-)

BTW2 -- The car does look nice...>>

Does anyone else wonder how a circa 1964 Spitfire 4 with a commission number in 
the 34000 range got to be a 1966 Mk2 Spitfire (which would have a commission 
number of at least FC50001 or later)? :-)

<< (Anyone recall the doctor from Maryland, USA who tried to sell cars on the 
list a few years
ago and got into a personal wealth comparison argument with some listers? -- 
that was cute) >>


--Andy Mace

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