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To: "Triumphs mailing list" <>
Subject: Preceptions
From: "Ken Gano" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 11:07:32 -0600
Had Mister Bombardier posted a "For Sale" (FS) note, with a list of what he
had, fair descriptions, locations and prices he might well have sold the
items he professed to have, made a few friends and been welcomed with open
arms.  Everyone involved would have benefited.  As it is, his motives and
entire integrity has been called into question, the parts remain out of
circulation and he has p***ed everyone off in the mean time.

Had I suggested to FT that I wanted a week-end away with my teenage
mistress, (not a bad idea, if I had one :)) or that I was trying to talk him
out of all of the Model Ten parts in his new horde (may yet try) or that I
just wanted an excuse for a vacation (the truth) my motives might not have
looked so pure and Fred might not have felt compelled to say such nice
words.  (Thank you Fred and Dan).

Every time one of these "storms" pass through this list I have to question
why anyone would jump into a conversation without listening for a while

Anyone here buy Mister Bombardier's "stunning" spitfire?

Ken Gano

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