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TR4 fan replacement

To: TR List <>
Subject: TR4 fan replacement
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 07:08:24 -0500
Hi List!
        I have a question reguarding what Bill Grubb had written about in
inverting the fan. I remember reading on this list some 5+ yr ago about
a person having cooling problems. The person went to several different
mechanics to stump them all after them doing a series of testing &
checking in the proccess of trouble shooting. Findly one mech was
thinking about the problem while smoking a ciggeratee (sp) & happen to
knotice that the smoke was being 'drawn' into the rad. away from the
front of the engine. the mechanic reversed the direction of the fan &
the problem was solved.
        My question is: if Bill G. 'inverts' the fan wouldn't the air move in
the wrong direction. I'm not clear on what is ment by 'invert the fan'?
        I thought the idea of finding a shorter Damper [off of a TR3] was a
good solution, but Brian's idea of a 'clutch' set-up on the fan is even
better. But even Brian admits that some details needs to be worked out.
-Cosmo Kramer

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